To delete an installed package, click in the upper-right corner of the Python Package tool window. You can preview package documentation in the documentation area, or you can click the Documentation link and open the corresponding resource in a browser.

Use the Search field to filter out the list of the available packages. The Python Packages tool window shows installed packages and the packages available in the PyPI repository.
#Windows conda install package windows#
At any time you can open it using the main menu: View | Tool Windows | Python Packages. This window is enabled by default, and you can find it in the lower group of the tool windows. The Python Packages tool window provides the quickest and neat way to preview and install packages for the currently selected Python interpreter. This tool window is available in P圜harm 2021.1 and later Manage packages in the Python Packages tool window In P圜harm, you can preview and manage packages in the Python Packages tool window and in the Python interpreter Settings/Preferences. For Conda environments you can use the conda package manager. By default, P圜harm uses pip to manage project packages.
#Windows conda install package full#
move to a full conda-based approach to build and test.Configurable format for kernel display names.Paths, with properly validating kernel names Support for spaces and accented characters in environment.Discover kernels from their kernel specs, enabling the use.Perform full activation of kernel conda environments.The redundancy is worth the elimination of confusion. Put the default environment back into the conda-env list.Improved runner scripts: linear execution, better handling.Live outside of the default environment location Adds project name to kernel name for environments that.With tools such as voila, papermill, nbconvert Provide a mechanism for using nb_conda_kernels.Improve the runner script by activating the environment only if required.Provide more options to set the display name of an environment (see name_format setting).Python -m nb_conda_kernels.install -enable notebook pytest pytest-cov requests mockĬonda install backports.functools_lru_cache # python 2 only for jupyter_config.json - add a json keyĬonda create -n ptest python=.for jupyter_config.py - add a line "c.CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter = 'regex'".To set it in jupyter config file, edit the jupyter configuration file (py or json) located in your jupyter -config-dir

In order to pass a configuration option in the command line use python -m nb_conda_kernels list -CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter="regex" where regex is the regular expression for filtering envs "this|that|and|that" works. Jupyter -paths to get the list of data directories.ĭefault: ')

May not be discoverable by Jupyter set JUPYTER_DATA_DIR to force it or run